✅ Simbase is now ISO27001 certified

This is more than just a badge; it's a promise, a commitment to the highest standards of data security that our customers deserve. For those who love the details, ISO27001 is the gold standard when it comes to information security management. It means that every bit and byte of data is guarded like a treasure.

But what does this mean for you? Whether you're connecting coffee machines or cargo ships, you can rest easy knowing that your data is in the safest hands. We're talking Fort Knox level of security – because that's what you and your business are worth to us.

Get the full details on our security standards by downloading the ISO27001 certificate directly from the Simbase website. Plus, for a clear understanding of how we handle (information) security and privacy, visit our dedicated security webpage that outlines our practices in these domains.

It's all about keeping you connected and protected.


Multi-IMSI versus eUICC: What’s the difference?


🍂 October Release